New Designer: Aroha Silhouettes

I stumbled across Aroha Silhouettes earlier this week, as my eyes devoured the yummy bits and bobs on Not Couture (or NotCot, as it's also known). I did a double take at a pair of unusual earrings, which, interestingly, I now understand is the aim of Aroha's jewellery. It makes you stop, look and go 'oh, I see', because cleverly Aroha have taken those optical illusions that had us baffled and cross-eyed as kids, and turned them into minimal, graphic jewellery designs.

'Confined' optical illusion steel earrings, by Aroha Silhouettes. Photo courtesy of

Aroha appears to be a one-woman jewellery venture - a 26-year-old known as Tania, based in Vancouver. Her own blog explains she's been in business for just over a year, yet Aroha seems to be gathering strength already, with an Etsy shop and a host of other retailers. But let's stick with what's important - the jewellery.

Tania's designs are made from recycled vinyl records and steel, both of which I'd imagine are laser-cut. The results are 2D designs which appear 3D. Optical illusions become accessories, channelling a magical, myserious vibe, not to mention one's inner geek. Her design repertoire is already sufficient - it also includes stacks of books and prism-like cubes - but there's definitely plenty more for Tania to play with... I'll be sure to keep an eye on what comes up next!

'Succession' vinyl necklace, by Aroha Silhouettes. Photo courtesy of

'Succession' necklace, as above. Photo courtesy of

'Conform' vinyl necklace, by Aroha Silhouettes. Photo courtesy of

'Bermuda' optical illusion steel earrings, by Aroha Silhouettes. Photo courtesy of
Post Title : New Designer: Aroha Silhouettes

New Designer: Aroha Silhouettes,

New Designer: Aroha Silhouettes


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